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You can also call us toll free at 1-855-232-3596, TTY: 711, 24 hours a day, 7 days a. We have experience that you can count on. Search for in-network providers and facilities near you, including COVID-19 testing, dental, vision and pharmacy care. AETNA BETTER HEALTH® OF NEW JERSEY. Aetna Better Health of New Jersey. menards fireplaces electric AETNA BETTER HEALTH® Coverage Policy/Guideline Name: Continuous Glucose Monitors. With our secure member portal, you can manage your NJ FamilyCare plan benefits, such as changing your doctor, get new NJ FamilyCare cards, see your claim status, view your personal health history, and more. With our secure member portal, you can manage your NJ FamilyCare plan benefits, such as changing your doctor, get new NJ FamilyCare cards, see your claim status, view your personal health history, and more. Providers are independent contractors and are not agents of Aetna. ” Our Medicaid plans offer members extra benefits such as non-emergency medical transportation programs, a 24/7 nurse line, dental and vision benefits, mental health services, telemedicine, prescription coverage, free cell phones, and more. bahsid mclean photo unblurred All services must be medically necessary. Please use the following address when submi «ng claims to Aetna Be ©er Health of New Jersey: Aetna Be ©er Health of New Jersey P Box 61925 Phoenix, AZ 85082‐1925 For resubmissions, please stamp or write one of the following on the paper claims: Aetna Better Health® of New Jersey. If you have questions about coverage or getting services, call Member Services at 1-855-232-3596 (TTY: 711). hart notes, medical record documentation, or claims history supporting C. daunt Aetna Better Health® of New Jersey. ….

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